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Sunday, September 18, 2011

East Central's Pallet Newsletter On-Line!

Welcome to EC's "Pallet" now online.  This timely and informative format will give our members a chance to check back often for new information that directly effects the.  In this month's posts you will see important information about our upcoming convention in Dayton.  Make sure to read about Randy Robart's recent initiative open for all OAEA members.   Read our East Central Regional Director's welcome, you will find more details about convention and our local connection.

We look forward to providing you with what you need to now locally.  Feel free to follow us (see the right hand side of your screen) and be able to directly comment and add information for our EC members.

Check back soon!

"Stories from the HeART" Getting Your Community Involved in the Arts

Stories from the HeART: personal journeys in the visual arts
A video journal initiative supported by the Ohio Art Education Association fostering creativity and innovation                                                                                             as an educational opportunity for all Ohioans

Randy Robart, OAEA 1st VP
Greetings and Salutations my fellow EC members,
                Imagine if the following question were asked of you personally by your superintendent:
If your program were cut completely, who would know and who would care? WOW! We all are aware of this scenario playing out in Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus, and elsewhere in Ohio, but… What if it were asked of you?? This question was asked of me at the Western Region National Art Ed. Leadership Forum this past summer during a presentation by Christy Farnbauch, president of the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education. Christy’s presentation dealt with advocacy, i.e. promoting your program, your students and yourself and the art education profession in general. It was a very passionate and inspiring presentation, where I walked away with a new OAEA project incubating inside my head. The final result of which is the headline above; a video testimonial project encompassing (hopefully) every district in the entire state (no, I’ve never been accused of thinking small). So here’s the skinny: In each EC School district, imagine the arts teacher/s asking a number of community members, business leaders, parents and students to tell a personal story of how the visual arts has touched their lives on video, the duration of which would be 30 seconds to 3 minutes tops or something in-between. Imagine posting them one after another on your district’s homepage for Youth Art Month in March, better yet; imagine submitting them to your RD or PR chair for inclusion on the OAEA webpage. Imagine the entire OAEA project going national on the National Art Education Association webpage.
Imagine the power of actual people extolling the virtues of the visual arts for a variety of reasons across the state. Imagine showing these gems to state legislators, government officials, school board members, and building principals. “Stories from the HeART” my EC friends and colleagues has the potential to support the visual arts with real people, not names on a list, but people who populate every voting precinct in the state. People who every elected official must face come Election Day…
MY question to each of you is: Do you know someone who cares about the visual arts and do you care enough about the visual arts program as well as your arts colleagues to participate in this statewide initiative?  
I hope you have each responded “yes”… GREAT!
Now here’s what to do:                                                                                                                                                                       1. Read over the initiative guidelines provided by your RD and PR Chairs. 2. Locate agreeable community members and discuss the project guidelines. 3. Ask as obtain a signed copy of the Media and Intellectual Property Release Form (provided by your RD/PR Chair). 4. Video tape your subjects w/a 10 megapixel or higher camcorder. 5. Contact your RD/PR Chair and arrange for them to upload you cinematic efforts on their Stories from the HeART flash-drive, saving it as well to your hard-drive for inclusion on your own district website in March for Youth Art Month. 6. Promote your own efforts via your district newspaper, school website. That’s it everyone!
During the last OAEA Board of Directors meeting in Columbus on 9/10/11, RDs and PR Chairs agreed to participate and contact their respective members. Regional flash-drives are due back to OAEA in Columbus by March 2012.
Let’s work together to show the state of Ohio there are plenty of caring individuals and voters to keep visual art a vital part of the K-12 experience!
I wish you well and again ask you to always “Imagine”!

"Visual Eyes" OAEA Convention / Dayton, Ohio

CONFERENCE IS COMING:0November 10-12, Dayton   You can register for Conference on the OAEA webpage www.oaea.org . At the top of the page you will see “Professional Development. Click on that and a drop down box will appear. Click on Conference and all of your Conference Information options will appear giving you schedules, hotel information, fee schedule, registration and commercial exhibits.  When booking hotel reservations it is best to call the hotel. When I tried to register thru the web page link on line there was no code given for the conference discount. To go directly to the registration page you can click on this link: http://www.oaea.org/Sitepage.asp?page=Registration  
Don't forget to add the preview night to your calendar! Join us Wednesday, November 9, 7 - 9 p.m., for a sneak peak at the latest products!

Be sure and attend the EC Regional Mtg from 12:00-1:30 Friday, and bring your award nominations (OAT, Distinguished Educator for Art Education, Distinguished Citizen for Art Education, Division Nominations, Art Educator of the Year) and PR Chair nominations. If you are unable to attend Conference, be sure and e-mail or snail mail your nominations to your RD’s 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Message from your Regional Director, Kathy Matthews

Once upon a time there was summer… and now I am writing information for East Central OAEA members to learn more about our Professional Development Conference in DaytoRegional meetings are scheduled for Friday, November 11 from 12:00 until 1:30 PM. ECOAEA will meet in DCC Room 303. Lunches may be picked up on the 3rd floor of the DDC before our meeting. Dessert with the vendors is scheduled from 1:30 until 2:30 PM. Please mark your calendars for this important meeting because you will have the opportunity to choose a conference pin inspired by Chris Bergert and Amy Eibel! In this meeting we will finalize nominations for OAT, Outstanding Art Educator, and all of the service awards. If you plan on nominating a colleague, please bring all contact information with you so the forms can be filled out during our meeting. We will also discuss the YAM, YPAE and High School Art shows. Now is the time to consider looking for some pieces to submit in 2012. All conference information is available on-line at www.OAAE.net.

After looking through the online booklet, yahoo! to Gary DeVault, Randy Robart, Sherrie Dennis, Dr. Janice Gallagher, Gary Spangler, Michelle Pellino, and Kathy Matthews who are either /or presentors or preciding over a meeting.  Thank you also Michelle Pellino for all of your work on the PR Displays. Our traditional ECOAEA social get together is TBA.
Congratulations to Gary DeVault, the Tri County Educational Service Center Fine Arts Coordinator  who was honored on August 4th at his retirement party in Wooster.

Recently, East Central members enjoyed another fantastic outing.  On May 7 members attend the MC Escher Exhibit at the Akron Art Museum and then again on June 4 to visit the Glass Works Place in Canal Fulton. Jan Gallagher received her regional award for Outstanding Citizen for the Arts. Kathy Matthews and Sandra Miller won an afternoon glass workshop.

Eats w/ EC Friends
June 4 @ "Glassworks"
Kathy's Necklace Made @ "Glassworks"

I am looking forward to seeing all of my EC friends at conference. If you have any questions, need to network for roommates, ride share, etc. please contact me and watch out for our online newsletters!

OAEA 2012 Calendar / Keeping You Up To Date

January 20             Executive Committee                             7:00 pm                   STRS

January 21             Board of Directors                                  10:00am                    STRS
                              (YAM/YPAE work/ARTline due)

February 11            Executive Committee                             10:00am                  STRS

March 1-31             YAM Exhibitions                                                                        STRS

March 1-4               NAEA Convention                                                                      NYC

March 10                 YAM Reception                                                                         STRS                           

March 10                 YPAE Reception                                          Rhodes Office Tower

March 23                 Executive  Committee                           7:00pm                    STRS

March 24                 Board of Directors                                  10:00am                  STRS
                                    (High School Artwork Due)

May 1                       Conference Proposals Due

May 11                      Executive  Committee                            7:00pm                   STRS         

May 12                      Board of Directors                                  10:00am                  STRS

June  24-27             Western Region NAEA                                                              TBA

September 14         Executive  Committee                            7:00pm                    STRS     

September 15         Board of Directors                                  10:00am                   STRS

September 15-Oct. 13    OAEA HS Art Show                                                           STRS

October 13              High School Art Closing Reception               2:00pm            STRS                                                                                                                                                           

November 8-10     OAEA Conference                                                    Greater Cincinnati

December 8            Executive Committee                                                                 TBA

NAEA Western Region Forum Comes to Columbus

Ohio hosted the Western Region of NAEA forum this summer in Columbus. Randy Robart, our 1st VP, presented. Elayne Lowe, our 2nd VP, and Sherrie Dennis, retired chair and past president , attended, so East Central was well represented! Sherrie served as Registrar for the event with almost 80 attendees from all over the US. CCAD hosted the lodging and the Columbus Art Museum provided meeting spaces. Advocacy, building membership and
local and national concerns for Art Education were addressed. Deb Reeves, the NAEA executive director, provided great leadership as well as Kathy Hillard, our WR VP, Dennis Ilhusen, NAEA’s president elect, as well as Suzanne Mitolo, past President, and
Sarah Danner, as did so many others. It was a dynamic event that recharged everyone and people went back to their respective states ready to continue the advocacy for art education.

Congrats Sherrie!

Sherrie Dennis, retired chair for OAEA, is having a solo show of her work at the
Orrville Heartland Point Community Center from September 7th- October 29th.
A reception will be held there on September 22, from 6-8pm.

Heartland Point is at 200 N. Main Street, Orrville. Hours 6:30-6:00pm. 

She will also be teaching a class in watercolor there in October. 

This Isn't Goodbye Gary...

Gary DeVault has retired from the Tri-County Education Service Center after serving for 20 years as the Fine Arts consultant for Wayne, Holmes and Ashland counties. He previously taught music at Southeast Local Schools.  He worked with music, drama, dance and visual art educators to plan performances, events and displays over the many years such as “Bandorama,” Wayne County Fair displays, Project Partnership, One Act Play competitions, County Art shows, as well as leading educators in the implementation of the Ohio Arts Standards, assessment and gifted programs. Gary’s work for the Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network, The Ohio Alliance for Arts Education, OAEA, as well as other organizations, has enriched us all. Gary is working at the College of Wooster’s music program, consulting and presenting the Alliance, as well as many other endeavors.

A retirement party was held in Wooster in August hosted by Sherrie Dennis and East Central. Congratulations and continued great efforts, Gary!

Budget Cuts Got You Down?

Art Room Aid from Dick Blick
Just go to www.dickblick.com/ArtRoomAid and follow a few steps to create your wish list and send it out to parents, friends and families that you still need their help. You are able to view/edit and resend your wish list as often as you like. You can even make your list “Public” so other Blick shoppers can get involved in your local community. (Dick Blick is a Platinum Sponsor of the NAEA).

ZeroLandfill™ is an award winning upcycling program held seasonally that supports the supply needs of local artists and arts educators while reducing pressure on local landfill capacity.  Since 2006, the ZeroLandfill™ project team has partnered with the architectural and interior design community in identifying, diverting from local landfills and re-purposing back into the community over 500,000 pounds of expired specification samples that hold value for other audiences.  ZeroLandfill™ projects, inspired by the NE Ohio experience are at work in a number of cities across the country.
ZeroLandfill™ is a project of BeeDance, LLC.

Materials Commonly Found at ZeroLandfill™ project sites
Carpet Tiles and
Paint Decks and Laminate Chips
Upholstery Swatches and Memos
Vinyl and Rubber Flooring Samples
Brick, Tile and Stone Samples
Wallcovering Books and Memos
Glass and Metal Samples
Three Ring Binders
Paper Sample Books
Stock Photo Books
Mat board and Foam Core

To learn more about Zero landfill you can:
go to their website http://zerolandfill.net
e-mail them at info.zerolandfill.net
visit their project sites at:
Cleveland: 4750 E 131st  St, Cleveland, OH 44105
Akron: 30 N. High St, Akron, OH
or call them at: 888.471.4944 x105

Its Time to Renew Your OAEA Membership

Kathryn Cahill is our OAEA our state membership chair. To reach her you can send an e-mail to oaeamembership@gmail.com If you would like to register and pay on line, you can do so by going to http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaID=160486 

Don't forget all that OAEA does for you, and what you can do for OAEA!

EC Award Winners

Congrats to the following award recipients from our region.  They will be recognized at our November convention in Dayton on November 10th, at the evening banquet.

Christopher Triner - Hoover High School, North Canton - EC Outstanding Art Educator
Rachel Miller -  University of Mount Union -  EC Outstanding College Student
Jan Gallagher -  EC Distinguished Citizen

From 2nd OAEA VP Elayne Lowe

"Arts Education Week" / Sept. 11-17...
Governor John Kasich and Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor have issued a proclamation declaring “Arts Education Week” September 11-17,2011.  Please let your colleagues, friends, school administrators, and school organizations know so that activities can be planned to support arts education in your area. 

At Our November Convention...
The PR/Advocacy Chairs and OAAE are presenting workshops at the Dayton Conference on how to advocate for your school arts programs.  Information on what could be done before arts programs are cut will also be shared and participants.  Each of us need to educate stakeholders, administrators, and school board members on the importance of arts education for each child including the impact of the arts as they become adults.

The 2011 Ohio High School Art Exhibition

Sponsored by the Ohio Art Education Association (OAEA) and Hosted by State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio
(STRS Ohio) September 10th - October 15th, 2011.

Our purpose is to showcase the artistic talents of high school students from across Ohio. The exhibit will include twodimensional
and three-dimensional work.
The exhibit will run from September - October at the STRS Ohio Building, 275 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Approximately
100 works will be featured. The Take-Down Reception and awards ceremony will take place Saturday, Oct. 15h at
2:00 p.m. at the STRS building.

For more information, visit: http//www.oaea.org