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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

Student learning objectives (also known as SLO) are part of the 2013/14 change to have stronger student growth measures directly aligned with teacher performance standards.  You may or may not have heard about SLOs yet. They are just a piece in Ohio's changing education landscape.  Each district is responsible for using SLOs or some other form of measurement to accurately assess students and teachers. Most teachers in Ohio will be responsible to writing, implementing, and assessing the use of this important tool.

What is a Student Learning Objective? (ODE Website)

A Student Learning Objective (SLO) is a measurable, long-term academic growth target that a teacher sets at the beginning of the year for all students or for subgroups of students. SLOs demonstrate a teacher’s impact on student learning within a given interval of instruction based upon baseline data gathered at the beginning of the course. Each SLO includes:
 The student population or sample included in the objective;
 The standards the SLO will align with;
 The assessments that will be used to measure student progress;
 The period of time covered by the SLO;
 The expected student growth; and
 The rationale for the expected student growth.

Need further info on how teacher evaluation links to student learning objectives?  Check out the following link:

Friday, July 27, 2012

Stark County Schools Work Together to Publish SLOs

Throughout the month of July and August, many arts and music specialist from Stark County and neighboring districts collaborated as part of a grant given to the Stark County ESC by ODE.  Stark County School's Arts Consultant, Gail Martino, was responsible for writing and implementing the grant.  This collaboration gave art and music teachers the opportunity to learn about and write student learning objectives or SLOs. These prepared learning objectives will become part of a bank of resources that districts may use as part of Ohio's new state standards and teacher assessment models.

Many EC members were fortunate enough to have participated in this event.  The EC Newsletter "eye" spotted Rittman's Randy Robart. Janet Baran and Chris Triner from North Canton's Hoover High School, and Sheri Angeloni from Jackson High School.  (Editor's Note: If you are and EC member and we missed your name, let me know.) Each participant was compensated for their time, and gained valuable experience on how to write SLOs.

If you are a part of Stark County's ESC and you did not participate in these work days but are interested in future opportunities.  You may contact Gail Martino, Stark County Arts consultant, at gail.martino@email.sparcc.org.

Time to Get Your Head in the "Game"

As August fast approaches, the thoughts of summer vacations, good books, and sun, turn toward classroom organization, supply ordering, and lesson planning...so for you "early birds" here's the latest.

You've heard about them at staff meetings, you've read about them, and you've even talked about them with your colleagues.  That's right, the Ohio Department of Education is proud to announce the highly anticipated....NEW FINE ARTS STANDARDS!

As of early June 2012, ODE has made final approval of new standards in the area of fine arts.  What you may notice on first glance, is the updated format that is more user-friendly for everyone.  As you begin your thinking and planning for the 2012/13 school year, you may want to check with your district on how they plan to adopt this new format. If you have any questions regarding these standards, you should contact your district's curriculum support personnel, or you can e-mail Nancy Pistone, ODE Fine Arts Consultant, nancy.pistone@ode.state.oh.us.

Here is a a direct link to these new standards via ODE.
