About Us

Saturday, September 8, 2018

The New EAST Region

For the past year and a half a committee and the Leadership Assembly has been working on adjusting the region’s boundaries to support our smaller regions who struggle with fewer members, fewer funds, and fewer resources. Since January, the proposal has been seen by the membership three times with an invitation to give responses to the Leadership Assembly (they are the voting representatives for the whole membership). Two times the proposal went back to the drawing board and was adjusted. We are happy to say that the proposal has passed as of July 31, 2018! 

This biggest change was the combination of East Region and East Central Region. They will be the new East Region. However, there are also some individual counties that have been moved to the neighboring region. Please see the map. 

This is a great opportunity to meet new people, go to new events and activities, and make great use of new venues and resources. Does that mean you need to leave your old friends behind? No way! OAEA is going to be working hard on “blurring the regional boundaries” so members will have more opportunities. Regional Directors will be creating events that invite members from neighboring regions to come to. We will also be creating a calendar of events on our website so that if an event in your region doesn’t fit your calendar, you can sign up to go to an event in another region. Regional Directors will also be sharing mailing lists so you may get news blasts from neighboring regions of workshops and events they are having. We are really excited about this! 

There are options for you. What are they? If you choose, you can stay in your original region and not switch over. How do you do this, you ask? 

1. Go to the website and update your profile


2. Contact the membership chair at membership@ohioarted.com (have your member number handy) 

This is effective immediately and you should register for the fall conference with the region you want to be in. We hope this effort to support our smaller regions is as exciting for you as it is for us. 

Please feel free to contact me if you need help with the transition. 
Alice Tavani 
OAEA President 


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