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Monday, June 24, 2013

Giant tattoo appearing soon in Highland Square (Arts LIFT)

Akron, OH, June 12, 2013 — A giant “tattoo” will soon begin to appear on an exterior wall of Angel Falls Coffee Company in Akron’s Highland Square.

Actually a painted mural, it’s the eighth and latest public art project created by Arts LIFT, an award-winning summer arts apprenticeship program offered by the Myers School of Art at The University of Akron.

Guided by tattoo artist and painter Jesse Strother, co-owner of Good Life Tattoos in Highland Square, 14 high school students from the Akron Public Schools will collaborate with UA art education students and faculty to design, draw and paint the mural.

The project runs June 10-21, with work happening at UA’s Folk Hall and on-site at Angel Falls. The Highland Square Neighborhood Association and January Paints and Wallpaper are also involved as project supporters.

The Arts LIFT artists will unveil the completed mural during a free public celebration June 28, 6 to 8 p.m., at Angel Falls Coffee Company, 792 W Market St. The event will feature local eclectic Bluegrass band Fast Molasses and refreshments. The University of Akron's Arts LIFT

Founded in 2002 with support from the Lola K. Isroff Arts Assistance Endowed Fund, The University of Akron’s Arts LIFT program enables students to work with professional artists while participating in collaborations that enhance and engage the community, assist underserved populations, and address environmental and ecological issues.

Elisa Gargarella, a UA associate professor of art education, originated and directs Arts LIFT. “Arts LIFT is all about synergy among urban students, teachers, artists, and community organizations,” explains Gargarella. “Through public art, Arts LIFT inspires social engagement, builds awareness of cultural resources, and helps to invigorate the local economy.” 

Past UA Arts LIFT community partners include the Akron Zoological Park, Crown Point Ecology Center, Corbin Conservatory at Stan Hywett Hall and Gardens, Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education Center, Keep Akron Beautiful, Cuyahoga Valley National Park Association, and the Feed My Sheep community garden project at First Congregational Church.

In 2005 Gargarella and Arts LIFT received the received the Collaborative Project Award from the Akron Area Arts Alliance. In 2009 they received the Charley Harper Award for contributions to Ohio’s eco arts from the Environmental Education Council of Ohio.

For more information about Arts LIFT, call the UA Myers School of Art at 330-972-8325

Monday, June 17, 2013

Take Action Alert - Ohio Citizens for the Arts 6/17/13

Things are very busy in Columbus this week with the state budget.  As you know from the email action alert we sent you on Monday, the budget is now in what we call the 'Conference Committee'.  The members of the Conference Committee have been named, they are:

House of Representatives:
Ron Amstutz (R, Wooster)
Jeff McClain (R, Upper Sandusky)
Vernon Sykes (D, Akron)

Scott Oelslager (R, North Canton)
Bill Coley (R, Liberty Township)
Tom Sawyer (D, Akron)

These members, along with your members of the House and Senate, must hear from arts advocates over the next few days. It is imperative that we have every person we know responding to Monday's action alert. To access the alert simply click on this link.

Responding to the action alert is easy and will take less than two minutes. Your message, written one time, will go to the Governor, and your House and Senate members. Really easy and very effective.

We are in the most delicate time of the budget process where hard decisions are being made through compromise. We want the Governor and all members of the House and Senate to know that arts advocates in Ohio are appreciative of the funding they have put into the budget proposal thus far and we want it to stay there. The best way to get that message across to our state elected officials is to share our appreciation and let them know the value of the arts to our communities, schools, and families.

Once you've responded to the action alert, please share the information with your friends and colleagues. We want to have thousands of responses to the action alert in the email boxes of the Governor and every member of the Ohio House and Senate as quickly as possible.  You can help make it happen and we appreciate your continued arts advocacy efforts.

We can do this, together we can effectively communicate our message of appreciation and need for the highest level of funding possible for arts and culture in Ohio through our Ohio Arts Council.  You are making a positive difference for the arts in Ohio.  Thank you!

William P. Blair
Legislative Counsel
Ohio Citizens for the Arts

Click the link below to log in and send your message:https://www.votervoice.net/link/target/oharts/GBF5tgzt.aspx

Thursday, June 13, 2013

SLO Training Workshop Aug. 8 (Deadline to Reg. 7/25)

Dear Colleagues,

The Ohio Art Education Association in partnership with the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) is pleased to announce that Nancy Pistone, the ODE State Arts Consultant, will facilitate a one-day professional development workshop titled"Arts Learning Standards and the OHIO Teacher Evaluation System (OTES)" on Thursday, August 8, 2013.

The workshop will provide an overview of the OTES and the development of SLOs and their relationship to the revised arts standards. The day is designed to engage, inform and share strategies to help you address state initiatives through the arts and prepare for the 2013-2014 school year.

The Ohio Art Education Association
In partnership with the Ohio Department of Education presents

“Arts Learning Standards 

and the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Workshop

An OTES/SLO arts training session
August 8, 2013
Educational Service Center of Central Ohio
2080 Citygate Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43219
Sign in: 8:30 – 9 am    *(Pre-registration required)
Workshop: 9 am – 3 pm
Lunch: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm on your own (Either pack or purchase at an area restaurant)
Cost $10.00 - Includes resources  - CLICK HERE to Register
Space is limited to 50 people; registration deadline is Thursday, July 25
PD/CEU credit available   -   Facility has Wi-Fi access

Please contact Erin Kraly w/online registration questions ekraly@gmail.com
Participants should bring a copy of the revised visual art standards,
their district curriculum and examples of pre- and post-assessments.

OAEA looks forward to providing you with tools for professional success while wishing everyone a great summer and exciting start to your school year next fall!

Randy Robart
President, Ohio Art Education Association

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Champion Creatively Alive Children - Grants 2013

Champion Creatively Alive Children
Creative Leadership Grants 2013

***REMINDER: Early Bird submission deadline is June 10, 2013!***

Thank you for your interest in the Champion Creatively Alive Children (R) grant opportunity! The 2013 program provides grants for innovative, creative leadership team building within elementary schools. Apply now for the opportunity to receive a grant for your school. Each grant-winning school (up to 20 grants awarded) receives $2,500 and Crayola products valued at $1,000.
Actual product assortment may vary.

Here's how you can get started now...

  • Form a collaborative team to plan innovative ways of infusing creativity throughout the school.  Brainstorm a leadership program that will enrich the creative capabilities and confidence within the school community.
  • Plan how and who will lead this collaborative effort.
  • Complete the application. Submit your application by June 21, 2013 (principal must be NAESP member). Every Early Bird application submitted before midnight on Monday, June 10 will receive a Crayola product Classpack(R).