About Us

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Regional Director, Chris Bergert

Greetings OAEA members!

My name is Chris Bergert and I am honored to be the new RD for the East Central region of the OAEA. My main two goals in the short term are to streamline communications with EC members and to increase membership.  Easier access to information and the newsletter will help keep our members informed, and with increased membership comes increased ideas and advocacy for the visual arts. 

Please be on the lookout here on the EC blog as we get up and running. Also,  Leah Sullivan Frye will be offering her fantastic tech workshop in the spring, so be watching for an email with all the details.

Again, it is my pleasure to be a part of the EC region, and I hope you will find my participation to be helpful, informative, and energizing.  

Chris Bergert
Canton South High School

Saturday, February 23, 2013

OAEA Conference Proposals Due May 1st

Per the OAEA website:  The most recent edition of Artline said that Conference Proposals are due March 1st, that is incorrect.  Proposals will be due May 1st.  The window to submit proposals will open March 1st.  http://www.oaea.org/ 

The 2013 OAEA conference is November 14-16 in Toledo.


Art Splash 2013

ArtSplash 2013

ArtsinStark, the Stark County arts council will be hosting ArtSplash 2013 on Saturday, March 2nd. This annual event is a free family fun day of art-making, performances and a little bit of learning on Saturday, March 2 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Cultural Center for the Arts, 1001 Market Street North, in Canton.

There is absolutely no charge for make-n-take learning projects offered from Camp Wakonda, Camp Tippecanoe, Weaver Child Development Center, Early Childhood Resource Center, Canton Country Day School, Canton Idol, Plain Local Schools, Massillon Museum, and Mercy Medical Center.  Admission is free for The Canton Museum of Art, as are performances by VOCI, Players Guild Theatre, Mount Union’s steel drum members, students from the Arts Academy at Summit and dancers from the Canton Ballet. Kids can get their face painted, thanks to Nationwide, and be their own super hero movie and photo shoot thanks to the Canton Palace Theatre, Canton Film Fest and photographer, Robb Quicci.

The real heroes of the day are student artists from Grades K-8 who will have their artwork on display in the SmArts show, with awards announced at 1:30 p.m.  SmArts is ArtsinStark’s art integration programming, linking arts and academics, and serving as the backdrop to ArtSplash.  Schools currently involved in the program, include Jackson High School, Canton Country Day, Plain Local Schools, and will have teachers on-site to showcase their grant projects and offer take-home lessons.
Super snacks will be available for purchase and the Canton Museum of Art will be offering free admission all day.  Add to that face-painting, compliments of Nationwide, and a take home Super SmArts Kit and you’ve got more than a few hours of action packed activity.