About Us

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

CALL FOR ART: East Central OAEA Youth Art Exhibition 2016 June & July

2016 Ohio Art Education Association East Central Division Student Show 
June 3 to July 29

Malone Art Gallery - inside the Johnson Center
Malone University
2600 Cleveland Ave NW
Canton, OH 44709

Opening Reception: Friday, June 3, 5:30-7:30pm
Gallery Summer Hours: M-F 11am-4pm

* Five (5) pieces per teacher - 2D only, please.
* No 3D work
* Artwork must be matted in some way, shape or form, with show label affixed to the front 

LABELS:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4v_KuMra0MMaHAzd0ZIVTlkbjg/view?usp=sharing
* No size limitations, but be reasonable. ;)

Dates for drop off: NOW through May 27

Drop off locations:
ArtsinStark - 900 Cleveland Ave NW, Canton, OH
Middlebranch Elementary School - 7500 Middlebranch Ave NE, Canton, OH 44721
Dover Middle School - 2131 North Wooster Ave, Dover

Pick up of artwork: Monday August 1, 12-4pm or by arrangement with Sarah Shumaker or Stephen Tornero


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Emerging Artist - Secondary Art Show - Deadline 5/27


This is a call for first and second year high school Emerging Artists!
Teachers… Are you proud of your first and second year art students? 
Then, this juried show is for you!

Celebrating those students' accomplishments is easy… 
All you need to do is submit forms and pictures, to the OAEA website
under the High School Exhibits tab. 

Click here to be directed to the page.

The deadline to submit a maximum of 5 student artworks is May 27, 2016.                                                                                        
 Guide lines and information are listed on the forms.

Don't miss this unique opportunity for your students… 
We can't wait to see all of the motivating art!

Artworks shown by OAEA teachers from Pickerington High School Central
Students Left to Right (Brooke T, Erin D, Maddie S)
Thank you for sharing your artworks to add color to our email today!

Friday, April 22, 2016

East Central Update - April 2016

East Central Region Update
from Amy Eibel, Regional Director

           2016 is off to a great start in the East Central region, and we have a number of great opportunities coming up over the summer for our members. 

In February, we met with the Northeast Region in conjunction with Zero Landfill Akron, and had a great time developing new lesson ideas at the Akron Art Museum! Special thanks is in order to Dillon Sedar (our new PR Chair), Sarah Shumaker, Bianca Burwell and Laura Tawil for their leadership in organizing this awesome event. If you are interested in hosting a regional workshop, please contact Amy Eibel or Sarah Shumaker at eastcentralrd@oaea.com. Our goal is to hold events at different locations throughout our region!

In June and July, we will be hosting an East Central Youth Art Exhibition at Malone University. Save some of your student artwork for this show, and spread the word to your colleagues! More info will be emailed soon, shared on FB, and posted on the EC blog.

Do you know have an art ed colleague who could benefit from our workshops and events? Please invite them to join us, and encourage membership in your part of our region! 

Want the latest and greatest news, photos and information from our East Central Region? 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Teacher Incentive Grant Applcations due May 1

  Teacher Incentive Grants Program
Deadline May 1st
Online Grant Application Form is Open for 2016!
Click Here for Online Form
This grant is perfect for that super lesson you wanted to try! Apply now!!!
The Ohio Art Education Foundation (OAEF) invites applications for the 
Teacher Incentive Program. Since OAEA is not a grants-making association, the 
Ohio Art Education Foundation was established as an independent organization to 
provide support for a variety of art education programs. Foundation grants are made to 
OAEA members only and must be used for projects which enhance and further 
art education in the State of Ohio.

ELIGIBILITY: Application to the Grant Program is open to any Art Educator 
who is an active member of OAEA and is currently teaching art at an Ohio Elementary, 
Middle or High School. 
OAEF grant applicants compete for limited funds. 
Two grants of $500 are awarded yearly. 
Deadlines assure all applicants they will be treated fairly and equally. OAEF has set strict deadlines for applications, program completion and final documentation. . See the application form for deadline dates.
Please review the application packet document to review detailed requirements and prepare your materials.  Grant applications may be submitted online or via postal mail.  Application packet includes all documents necessary for successful grant submission. 
Contact OAE Foundation President: Dr. Dennis Cannon with questions, foundation@ohioarted.com

Puppetry for Art Educators - April 30

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

2016 OAEA Conference Proposals Due May 1

The Greater Cincinnati 2016 OAEA Conference
workshop proposal submission window 
is now OPEN!
Please read the below information carefully.
DRAFT OAEA Workshop Proposal Form (Word doc)
The draft form is an excellent tool to collect your
thoughts and background information prior to
actually filling out the online electronic proposal forms listed below.

OAEA Proposal Rubric (pdf)
Please read all information below before entering 
online workshop proposal form links below.
What type of presentation would you like to do:
1. Standard Presentation without hands-on activity -
$35.00 for printing and basic presentation costs. 
2. Hands-on Presentation with consumables - to be used and distributed to 
workshop attendees -- $65.00 for consumables and materials available to attendees.  
Online form requires standard presentation information, as well as,
 a file upload of an itemized budget, which must be submitted for this type of presentation.
3. Ticketed Event Workshop -- Presentations that exceed the maximum reimbursement 
listed above are named as ticketed events to cover the cost of consumables used by and 
distributed to workshop participants who have paid this fee.   Attendees preregister for T.E.'s and pay a fee set by the presenter.  Online form  requires standard presentation information, as well as, a file upload of an itemized budget, which must be submitted for this type of presentation.
The more presenters - the more fun!! You can do more than one!