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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

YPAE and YAM 2017 Receptions

 Young People's Art Exhibition Reception
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Reception #1 -- East Central
10:30 AM Check-in
11AM to 12PM Awards Ceremony
 30 E Broad St. Columbus, Ohio 43215 
Youth Art Month Exhibition
Y.A.M. Flag & Graphic Design Competition
Jerry Tollifson Art Criticism Open Competition
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Reception #2
East Central Y.A.M., YAM Flag & Graphic Design Awards
12:00PM Check-in
12:30 to 1:30PM Awards Ceremony
Reception #3
Jerry Tollifson Art Criticism Open Awards
2:00PM Check-in
2:30 to 3:30PM Awards Ceremony

State Teacher Retirement System of Ohio
275 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215


  • The shows will be up February 27th- March 26th, 2017

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Jerry Tollifson Art Criticism Entries Due January 31

Entries for the 2017 Jerry Tollifson Art Criticism Open -- Due January 31, 2017

Jerry Tollifson was one of the Ohio Art Education Association’s most long-standing, beloved, and influential members. His long and colorful career as an artist and educator inspired countless students and teachers across the state. The Jerry Tollifson Art Criticism Open is one way his legacy continues to encourage and shape art students and teachers today. 
Jerry conceived this writing competition as an annual opportunity to recognize students for their ability to articulate and compose critical responses to artworks. He promoted the idea that exercising critical thinking and careful observation while discovering an artwork’s deeper meanings empowered students to also build self-discipline and confidence. He saw the competition as another way to engage students in observing, perceiving, analyzing, and interpreting—abilities that show up repeatedly in the Ohio Fine Arts Learning Standards and National Visual Arts Standards, and also have practical relevance in other academic areas and as life skills.
This competition is open to students of all Ohio Art Education Association members in grades one through twelve. Prizes will be awarded at four division categories: Grades 1-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. Entries will be judged, blind, by three invited volunteers using the scoring rubric available on the OAEA website. Students with winning entries will be recognized at the OAEA Youth Art Month Celebration in March held at the STRS Building in Columbus. Winning entries will also be featured in an upcoming issue of ArtLine and showcased on the OAEA website.
More information (guidelines, forms, rubric):  


Sunday, January 8, 2017

ZeroLandfill - EC & NE OAEA - Sat. Feb 25 @ 9AM

Join East Central and North East OAEA regions as we travel to ZeroLandfill Harvest and then "do lunch!" The ZeroLandfill Akron is being held in the ZeroLandfill™ Cleveland location this time around, so we figured we'd join forces (Wonder Twin powers - activate!)

Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017
9AM SHARP (maybe a smidge earlier if you can swing it)
Cuyahoga County Solid Waste Management
4750 East 131 Street, Garfield Heights, Ohio 

Harvest = gathering of interior supplies by crafters, teachers, artists, and general public. **Bring tote bags, boxes, etc. to help you haul your pickin's to your car**

Lunch --- Immediately following at Canal Towpath Bar & Grill
5143 Canal Road, Garfield Heights, Ohio
ZeroLandfill™ is an award winning upcycling program held seasonally that supports the supply needs of local artists and arts educators while reducing pressure on local landfill capacity. Since 2006, the ZeroLandfill™ project team has partnered with the architectural, interior and graphic design community in identifying, diverting from local landfills and re-purposing back into the community over 308,000 pounds of expired specification samples that hold value for other audiences.

Products ---
Expired specification samples include:
Carpet Tiles and Books
Paint Decks and Laminate Chips
Upholstery Swatches and Memos
Vinyl and Rubber Flooring Samples
Brick, Tile and Stone Samples
Wallcovering Books and Memos
Glass and Metal Samples
Three Ring Binders
Paper sample books
Stock Photo books
Pantone Chip books