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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ohio Statehouse Exhibits Student Art Work

Statehouse Exhibits Student Art Work From Around Ohio
April 1-27, 2013 ~ Ohio Statehouse Map Room

Elementary students from Canton Local with teacher Terri Bradshaw

The Ohio Statehouse showcased 33 works of art by students in grades K-12 from Ohio’s public schools as part of a month-long celebration of arts education. The Ohio Alliance for Arts Education, Ohio Art Education Association, and Ohio Citizens for the Arts partnered with the Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board to bring outstanding works of art by Ohio’s children to the Ohio Statehouse to celebrate all things arts education!
Nathan from Canton South High School

Monday, April 29, 2013

Katie Cahill Update

Please send good vibes, meditations, affirmations, and prayer into the universe for Kathryn "Katie" Cahill. 
Katie is our esteemed colleague and art consultant for SAX.  You have seen her in workshops, at OAEA conferences in the vendor area, at your school, at your district events and at Mayco too. 
In Katie's words, you will find the need and the goal.  May our good energy be the healing balm that brings our Katie back into the bloom of vibrant health. 
At this time Katie is preparing to enter a healing journey and she could benefit from a burst of OAEA love. 
Per Katie:
" 2 years ago I was diagnosed with PSC, a bile duct disease in my liver. It has been a hard few years, but in the next few days I should be on the road to recovery with a new liver. I was admitted to 964 E Rhodes tonight at the Ohio State University Hospital. Please wish me and my family the best, and send Jelly Belliess and octopus stuff promptly. With love - Katie"

Send e-cards to Katie Cahill at Cahill.kathryn@gmail

Friday, April 26, 2013

"Emerging Artists" High School Art Show

The Ohio Art Education Association (OAEA) is pleased to announce the return of the new and improved high school art show!  The new show, “Emerging Artists” is dedicated to showcasing the beginner artistic efforts, perhaps from students who have taken only one art class.  We hope to recognize budding talent and provide a professional forum for young people to experience competition, something they will encounter in their college applications, portfolio reviews and future art careers in college.

The exhibition is open to any Ohio High School student whose art teacher is a member of the OAEA.  Each member may submit a photograph of up to five works of art digitally.  Click on the link below to access the online submission form  Once the work is selected, the art teacher will be notified.  At that time, selected art work will need to be matted and submitted to their regional director by the September OAEA board meeting.

The Emerging Artist show will be on display September-October in the 2nd floor lobby of the State Teachers Retirement Building in Columbus.  At the reception, various awards and prizes will be given to selected students with art in the exhibition.  Students may claim their pieces at the closing reception on Saturday, October 12th, 2013.

Click Here to fill out the online submission form and to upload your artwork photos.

OAEA 2013 Conference Proposals

Have a great idea for a workshop?  Consider presenting at the Toledo Professional Development Conference November 14-16, 2013.  Online submissions only.   To assist you in the proposal process a practice form available.  Please read the below information carefully.

Need your membership #? Email 
DRAFT OAEA Workshop Proposal Form (Word doc)
OAEA Proposal Rubric (pdf)

All fields are required
Enter a false school phone number (555-5555) if you don't have one
Please read all information below before entering online workshop proposal form.
Proposal Deadline is May 1st at Midnight

 Types of Workshops & Reimbursements 
1. Standard Presentation without hands-on activity - $35.00 for printing and basic presentation costs. 
Standard Presentation Form

2. Hands-on Presentation with consumables - to be used and distributed to workshop attendees -- $65.00 for consumables and materials available to attendees.  Online form requires standard presentation information, as well as, a file upload of an itemized budget, which must be submitted for this type of presentation.
Hands On Presentation Form
3. Ticketed Event Workshop -- Presentations that exceed the maximum reimbursement listed above are named as ticketed events to cover the cost of consumables used by and distributed to workshop participants who have paid this fee.   Attendees preregister for T.E.'s and pay a fee set by the presenter.  Online form  requires standard presentation information, as well as, a file upload of an itemized budget, which must be submitted for this type of presentation.
Ticketed Event Presentation Form

Tips for Submitting Workshop Proposals
  • Must be a current OAEA Member
  • BOLD fields are required for submission
  • All submissions are due by Midnight on May 1st.  Incomplete Proposals will not be accepted. 
  • Professional Standards committee uses Proposal Rubric for review & selection.
  • All presenters and co-presenters must be current OAEA members at the time of proposal submission AND at the time of the conference.
  • Multiple presenter submissions are welcomed & accepted.
  • Presenters are responsible for registration & hotel costs.
  • A confirmation email will be sent to you acknowledging your submission is complete
  • Notification Timeline:  Those with selected proposals will be notified through email in June with contracts out in August.  Signed contracts due Aug. 30.  Earlybird Conference Registration required to include workshop in conference booklet.           
Other Information to Know...

Reimbursement Policy & Disclaimer:
  • Presenters of ticketed events are reimbursed for the amount requested on the proposal form per registrant for the number of tickets sold as recorded by the OAEA Conference Registrar and may not exceed $25/participant. $1 is added to T.E. for online processing fees.
  • The OAEA does not allow “for profit” workshops, nor do they reimburse for the cost of equipment, tools, etc. that are not given to workshop attendees. All fees requested must be submitted to Workshop Check In room and processed through the OAEA. No fees/money will be exchanged between presenters and participants at the conference.
  • Please note that the reimbursement amount is per workshop not per presenter/co-presenter. To be reimbursed, presenters of all workshops must complete an official OAEA Voucher form, provided on-site at presenter check-in. Receipts for materials used for the presentation must accompany all vouchers. Vouchers with attached receipts are due to the OAEA State Workshop Chair by the end of the Conference.
Proposal Review & Selection:
  • All proposals are reviewed by the OAEA Professional Standards Committee at May OAEA Board meeting using a scoring rubric
  • Selected presentations are notified via email in June with time and day of presentation.  
  • Presenter Commitment Contracts are mailed in early August and due signed and returned by Aug. 30th
Presenter Commitment to OAEA Professional Conference:
  • As a workshop presenter, you and your co-presenters are required to register for the conference during the day(s) you are presenting. 
  • Conference registration begins online Aug 1.  All presenters must be registered for the day of your presentation by the close of Earlybird Registration to have your workshop and name listed in the printed program booklet. 
  • Presenters are responsible for bringing all electronic equipment (laptop, projector, extension chords, etc.) needed for their presentation.  AV screens will be available upon request.
Information for Vendors/Commercial Exhibitors
  • New this Year!  Commercial Exhibitors fill out their own form for proposals.  You must be registered as Conference Attendee or as Commercial Exhibitor to present in this category. Click here to download the Commercial Exhibitor packet. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Cyber Artroom Workshop - Thanks, Leah!

Sax/School Specialty Representative giving out freebies!

As an organization, we strive to provide our members with meaningful, engaging, and informative workshop and networking oportunities throughout the year. Over the weekend, our very own Leah Frye hosted a tech workshop along with a presentation by a member of the Sax (School Specialty) company. We will continue to provide these types of activities according to the wants and needs of our members.  
Thanks to Amanda Arway (Plain Local) for the photos!

  ~ Chris Bergert, EC OAEA Regional Director
Canton Local Schools

Leah presenting at Rittman HS

Saturday, April 6, 2013

News from OAEA: Conference Proposals & Emerging Artist HS Show

It’s that time of year again!
Have a great idea for a workshop?
Consider presenting at the Toledo Professional Development Conference November 14-16, 2013.
Click Here for more information and to enter into the online proposal system.

Proposals are due May 1st!
Don't Forget!

Emerging Artist High School Show
Check out our newly redesigned and repackaged Secondary Show. 
The Ohio Art Education Association (OAEA) is pleased to announce the return of the new and improved high school art show!  The new show, “Emerging Artists” is dedicated to showcasing the beginner artistic efforts, perhaps from students who have taken only one art class.  We hope to recognize budding talent and provide a professional forum for young people to experience competition, something they will encounter in their college applications, portfolio reviews and future art careers in college.
Click Here for the online submission forms and more information!

Instructions for logging into the OAEA Website
1) click "member log in" on left
2) your username is the email address you use (registered with) for your oaea membership
3) click "forgot your password" to initiate MemberClicks password generation
4) open your email to retrieve the password generated by MemberClicks system
5) save/ remember your password in a safe place
6) use login and password to submit proposals for Toledo conference and entries for redesigned HS art show
Connect with Us for More Information!

Statehouse Exhibits Student Art Work From Around Ohio ~ April 1-27

Statehouse Exhibits Student Art Work From Around Ohio
April 1-27, 2013; Ohio Statehouse Map Room
The Ohio Statehouse will showcase 33 works of art by students in grades K-12 from Ohio’s public schools as part of a month-long celebration of arts education. The Ohio Alliance for Arts Education, Ohio Art Education Association, and Ohio Citizens for the Arts have partnered with the Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board to bring outstanding works of art by Ohio’s children to the Ohio Statehouse to celebrate all things arts education!  The exhibition is a precursor to the Governor’s Awards for the Arts in Ohio and Arts Day which will be held May 15, 2013.
The goal of the exhibition is to recognize the talents, creativity, and innovation of students who receive a high quality arts education instruction as part of their academic course work by professional arts educators.

Participants in the exhibition were selected by arts educators in each of the Ohio Art Education Association’s regions which span the state.
For more information, contact Donna Collins, executive director, Ohio Citizens for the Arts and Ohio Alli­ance for Arts Education: dcollins@oaae.net